Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fahrenheit 451 # 6

*Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

My favorite passage was on page 83, where Faber explains why a book is important to Montag.
“Number one: Do you know why books such as this are so important? Because they have quality. And what does the word quality mean? To me it means texture. This book has pores. It has features. This book can go under the microscope. You’d find life under the glass, streaming past in infinite profusion. The more pores, the more truthfully recorded details of life per square inch you can get on a sheet of paper, the more ‘literary’ Fresh detail.”

This passage was the most significant out of any passages in this book because this was the reason why I was reading books to learn and nothing more could be added to the meaning of “significance” of books. This whole conversation between Faber and Montag was so honest, pure, and sincere that my jaw dropped as I read this passage. There is life under the microscope. The book itself may look boring and helpless but if you look deep inside, if you look close enough, you will find the “life” within the book. As I was reading this passage over and over again, I felt weird in some way because it revealed not only the significance of reading books, but the meaning it bared as well. I was touched by the word ‘quality’ because learning literature was not about reading endless letters printed on pieces of papers but it was all about analyzing the meaning and finding the moral lesson in between the lines. By reading books, people could experience the things that they have never even heard of. When you read books, you could find yourself wandering around in any place that you could not even imagine of. This is what I loved about this passage. It taught me the real meaning of quality of books and the importance of literature.


Young Chang said...

I really liked this passage too. I think personification in literature is really amazing and captivating. Giving a book which is basically ink on paper bound together living characteristics is really interesting and makes us stop, read the passage again, and think over it. I totally agree that books are alive in a sense; in a different definition of "living things". (bio =P)

t.mid said...

One word. Incredible. You opened my eyes to what books are. They're life. When I read that passage I had almost skimmed it and thought that it was just some old guy blabbing on and on, on little tiny molecules in the paper, and I was like, "So what? Everything has little tiny molecules that you can see under a microscope." But now I see what Faber was trying to present to Montag. I never realized that the author had such insight and knowledge of books, and the same with you to realize that. Well done.


Sumin said...

I really like this post. I have to agree with you that books have a deeper meaning. It's not just words on paper but something alive that gives you inspiration and thought. All writing has meaning. The writers don't just write to make you bored or confused, they write to tell us something, a lesson or advice. I agree with you that while reading a book, you can become a different person, in a different world, doing different things. It's great to live in a world of books! We can do anything. Impossible is nothing!
Nice post!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah me too. I thought this passage was especially catchy. I was able to feel the sarcasm and the seriousness from Faber. I also thought since Montag suddenly asked about possessions of the books, I was concerned if Faber might start to smell something fishy about Montag. So, that passage was not only significant, but it made me 'dive' into the book and motivated me to keep reading to know what will happen in the end. Moreover, I think Ray Bradburry's style of writing dialogues grabs the readers. I felt the conversations were like the lines in the movies. It was so realistic and interested me so much. Good job and keep it up.