Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fahrenheit 451 # 3

*Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be solved or “fixed”?

There are millions of current situations in the world that relate to the novel. As the media developed and expanded, people started to get used to the media. They surf internet, watch televisions, listen to the radio, or play video games and so on. It has become a crucial part of our culture and life. However, often times, they tend to be the major sources of problems such as immoral and disrespectful comments on articles or inappropriate language uses. These problems can be extended as far as political problems as well. People debate and argue about political issues online and post them up so that everybody else could see. These things happen daily and just like in the novel, some are obsessed about televisions or other things. We, teenagers, commonly get “addicted” to those things as well. We get absorbed into the world of media and refuse to see the world as an actual world. This is how the current situations in the world today relate to this novel.

Our real life is not much different from the book because we choose to rely on media instead of relying on literature. Some of us think that there is no point in learning literature because it only complicates things and makes everything verbal and abstract. In the book, Captain Beatty was explaining to Guy how all the firemen went through an ambivalent moment but soon decided to live a simple life. People sometimes don’t want to study literature and do what Beatty did but by reading this book, we shouldn’t even complain about having literature as our culture at all. This novel, Fahrenheit 451, suggests that literature is important and that it should be maintained because it brings us life, happiness, and passion. One day, literature will be forgotten within our simplicity but we ought to live with hope and rebuild the society of refinement.


Anonymous said...

Like you said, many people are addicted to surfing the internet, watching TV, listening to radio, and playing video games. Often times, teenagers get too absorbed, they refuse to accept the world as it is. As you said, the result is disrespectful and inappropriate language uses. Through the media, we often become ignorant and stupid. Like a typical teenager, I wondered before why people study literature. Why try to uncover the meaning in each book? What would be the purpose of it? However, Fahrenheit 451 showed me the answer. Like you said, the books show that literature gives us life, happiness, passion, and knowledge. It can often give us solutions. By reading books we can gain knowledge of the world. For example, if an area banned all information about how over-foresting is harmful, then the children will believe over-foresting is allowed. Later, the forest will disappear and they will finally realize their stupidity and resent against the people who caused censorship to happen. Moreover, books can be a source of enjoyment that allows us to have an adventure merely by sitting on a chair.

sharon kim said...

these days everyone only cares about the media.
people now a day do not even read the newspaper because of internet and t.v.
i, also do not have interest in literater too.
i think we should do something about this problem

Deez K. said...

I'm afraid that I would have to disagree
The media part is correct, many people around the world are affected by the media and their lives are changed by it.
Although for the negative comments(?) that the media posts? I do not get that part. Negative comments might affect a person's life as well, though it does not connect to the book in any way. The book defines literarcy and knowledge over the ignorance and the foolish who go for easy, crowd agreements, also the whole city, maybe even the whole country is affected by it.
Negative comments only judges one's thoughts and a whole group one civilization. It is not against the law to post different opinions which are what you mentioned: negative comments?
I would have to disagree with this one