Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animal Farm #3

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel was when Napoleon purposefully expelled Snowball by force. One of the main conflicts was between Snowball and Napoleon who were always arguing about every decision that they had to go through. Before Snowball was forced out, the animals were happy and satisfied with the amount of labour and their reward. Snowball went with the majority when he was making up his mind and the rules were kept no problem. Animal farm was becoming prosperous by his wisdom. Nonetheless, Napoleon used his trained dogs to force Snowball out of his authority because he was jealous of Snowball’s power and intelligence. Using force was the only way to sit in Snowball’s position because Napoleon lacked popularity among his comrades and was not influential enough to develop their farm. He did not think about how other animals will suffer under his unstable leadership because Napoleon was doing all the things just because he was blinded by the lure of lucre. Sure enough, Napoleon ended up killing his own comrades because his greed had already taken control of not only his body but his soul. This part rather made me sympathetic because he chose not to have the privilege to be under God’s protection. He threw himself out of God’s arms and decided to go for what he merely wished to do. I took pity on him because it wasn’t that God was no longer with him, but it was that he was no longer with God. God will never abandon any of us. He was the one who decided to take off and walk away from God. How dare him. In my opinion, this is why he got what he deserved. He lost his identity, he lost his spirit, and he lost his faith. Greed can make people disappear.


Jane Kim said...

I totally agree with your climax. The conflict between Napoleon and Snowball caused the climax of the story, the part when Napoleon kicked out Snowball. I liked the way you explained the story well, giving some background information of how they got into a conflict and resulted pathetic result, the killing of animals. You did a good job of explaining the climax. :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I agree you with where the climax is. For it was Napoleon’s leadership which caused every chaos and conflicts, the climax points out in here. Before the climax, when Snowball, too, was ruling, the Animal Farm was slowly achieving what its rebellion was supposed to mean. But as the climax arrived, Napoleon got rid of Snowball, and that was it. Game Over. The Animal Farm turned into a complete chaos by the dictatorship of the pigs, as they lied, cheated, tricked, and fooled the others. As the position of leadership changed, the story’s turning point started. I really agree with your opinions and I enjoyed your post very much. Good job.