Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animal Farm #2

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

I found the passages in page 133 extremely astonishing because these passages struck me with disappointment with the pigs. They were about the pigs changing the seven commandments that they have made after the rebellion. I thought these were one of the most significant scenes in this book because they gave a clear message that the pigs, their greed, have totally taken control of their minds. The pigs have lost the most essential part of their soul which was their belief in the unity and love. They only became more self-centered and wanted endless amount of power as more animals followed their orders. In addition, they even took advantage of almost all the other animals’ stupidity and treated them poorly. I particularly think that the new commandment that the pigs have changed was incredibly cruel. This is because it tore apart what God has granted us─his love. He created all of us in his own image and loved us so much that he treated every single one of us equally. It was our privilege to be loved and protected by him unlimitedly. However, the pigs stated that they were the ones who had to be ‘more equal’ than others, completely disregarding God’s love on us. This was why the pigs couldn’t be happy even after they gained power over the farm─because they were fighting over themselves. It was impossible for them to resist their expanding desire to want more things every time they got more money and power. They at first informed all the animals that none of them should act like human beings but later, they were actually the ones who violated the promise. None of the people should act like the pigs because it will only destroy their hearts and take them away from God.

1 comment:

Strike Freedom said...

I am REALLY bad at commenting and talking about religion (acknowledgement)

Think of the seven commendments, the commandment ifself was NOT 'EQUAL' from the first place, it distinguished itself as ones who follow Animalism as 'justice' and other ideals 'enemies' (Two legs bad four legs good). What is the equality there? There also are other societies other than the Animal Farm and how come you say that changing the commandment made itself equal to unequal when it was already unequal from the first place? (unequality of enemy and justice)

Thoughout the whole story, there was NO EQUALITY. This is why the novel makes us to think and seek of definition of true equality.