Friday, March 7, 2008

Animal Farm #6

What is the major theme for this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?

I think this novel had a great theme that related to our universal human experience because everyone had to go through this theme at some point of their lives. The theme was not to let your greed control your heart because it can control you in any moment. It is the power itself that corrupts and nobody can stop it for you. Hence you should be the one controlling over yourself and be the one who can speak up to God. This theme is very significant to a teenager living in this world right now because many teenagers tend to forget how thankful they are. They want more than what they have and ask for more things to their parents. Their parents’ love is like Boxer in the novel because the teenagers know that their parents love them to death and assume that they will do anything for them. Boxer was the one who worked the hardest because of his hope and his motto. I, as a teenager, think we should not use our parents’ love like that because they work so hard to help us grow and learn in wonderful environment. We all need to understand that greed will control every part of us if we just leave it to grow bigger and stronger in our hearts. One day, we will become somebody like Napoleon because if we do not know how to be thankful and be satisfied with what we are given right now, we will start hurting our hearts with our own fists. This is also extremely important to the teenagers because if we walk out the door of God’s heart, then we will lose everything we have. Teenagers are no longer little children but are not yet adults. Hence their greed could take advantage of their unstable minds and take over them easily. If they do not want any of this to happen, I think their best choice is to believe in God.


Jane Kim said...
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sharon kim said...

i like your theme.
i think i should apply the theme to my life and live a thankful life.
if everyone lived like the theme, then there won't be any war in the world and it will be a wounderful place to live.
But i guess it is impossible becuase we all have evil in us.
good job with your blog! :)

Strike Freedom said...

Nice theme statement. I like the personal approach and application towards it.

The theme statement 'could also be' defined as the depravity of ideology in our human society today. Animal Farm itself was a society that shows its ideals just like our society. It would also be nice to think about it in that way because that subject has TOTALLY ENORMOUS amounts of things to think about for teenagers that lives in this age.

Applying your theme and thinking about all source of greed and evil would also be nice for the interaction and expansion of knowledge and experience.

Anonymous said...

Interesting... I liked how you connected the Boxer with parent's unlimited love on their children. It is true that majority of teenagers do not realize how parents sacrifice themselves for their children. I, myself, sometimes don't realize how much they care for me. Since their overflowing love feels so natural and normal, I never get to think how blessed I am. I was also very impressed how everyone could be Napoleon if our greed overrules us. There are millions of people around the world who just don't even thank to their parents and let the greed overrule them. Whenever I see this kind of themes, I think of spoiled kids, like Paris Hilton. She spends her money on partying everyday and $100 is just a price of a gum to her. Her parents, of course, are SOO RICH that they tend to give the money continually. I don't think Paris thanks for it though she loves her mom and dad. Or not? However, I think it's hard for millionaire's children to live their life without greed. It's just natural because they are so wealthy. Anyways, I believe that they should at least thank their lives to live in the finest environment around them. Your unique idea revealed me some interesting points. Great job!