Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Comments on Animal Farm

Brian R (1)
Eugene L (1)
Hans P (1)
Jeff K (1)
Sharon K (2)

YAY I'M DONE WITH MY FIRST BOOK!!!! :)))))))))))))

Friday, March 7, 2008

Animal Farm #6

What is the major theme for this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?

I think this novel had a great theme that related to our universal human experience because everyone had to go through this theme at some point of their lives. The theme was not to let your greed control your heart because it can control you in any moment. It is the power itself that corrupts and nobody can stop it for you. Hence you should be the one controlling over yourself and be the one who can speak up to God. This theme is very significant to a teenager living in this world right now because many teenagers tend to forget how thankful they are. They want more than what they have and ask for more things to their parents. Their parents’ love is like Boxer in the novel because the teenagers know that their parents love them to death and assume that they will do anything for them. Boxer was the one who worked the hardest because of his hope and his motto. I, as a teenager, think we should not use our parents’ love like that because they work so hard to help us grow and learn in wonderful environment. We all need to understand that greed will control every part of us if we just leave it to grow bigger and stronger in our hearts. One day, we will become somebody like Napoleon because if we do not know how to be thankful and be satisfied with what we are given right now, we will start hurting our hearts with our own fists. This is also extremely important to the teenagers because if we walk out the door of God’s heart, then we will lose everything we have. Teenagers are no longer little children but are not yet adults. Hence their greed could take advantage of their unstable minds and take over them easily. If they do not want any of this to happen, I think their best choice is to believe in God.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Animal Farm #5

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is tyrannical because Napoleon was dishonest to his fellow animals when he had the control over the farm. He was also being unfair, or rather deceptive which continuously made the animals suffer. His behaviour made the farm as gloomy as it could ever be because he discouraged the animals by failing his plan every time. All the animals were tyrannized by Napoleon. They were unsatisfied with what they had but kept working with their hardest effort. This novel saddens me for sure because the powerless animals could not do anything to defend themselves because they lacked knowledge. This means that only those who oppresses others with force can be free from all the hardships or laborious work. However, on the other hand, I feel sad because of the fact that part of them left God. The pigs’ desire for money and power became clearer as the time passed by and they could not pull themselves out from the quick sand in time. They may have thought that it was too late for them but they could have turned back any time. God’s heart is always open to anyone but we have to open up our hearts and let him in. It was very disheartening for me to think about this topic because I have never thought about what it would be like to live under the communism rule. The mood was very gloomy throughout because the pigs did not change until the end. They kept breaking the promises that they have made and cooked up awkward excuses to get away from certain situations. Animal farm did not get any better even after the windmill was built because pigs were rather indifferent about their farm or their comrades. I hope that nothing like the Russian Revolution will ever happen in the future.

Animal Farm #4

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

This novel was based on the Russian Revolution. George Orwell wrote this novel to criticize the communist in the Russian Revolution. He was trying to tell the readers that under any circumstances, power was not the only way to gain control over people. However, the same thing is happening in many parts of the real world right now. North Korea is one of the examples because the totalitarian government, with a dictator Jung-il Kim, is taking control over the whole country. This novel and North Korea has an extremely close relationship because they both have the same moral lesson. The citizens have no power to become free from the communist rule, just like the animals in the novel. Current president Jung-il Kim can be illustrated as Napoleon, for his identical greed for power because he is not trying to admit or even trying to know that his people are living in poverty while he enjoys his daily feast. North Koreans, together, are trying to improve their country which resembles the spirit of the animal farm. Also, there is only one leader—Jung-il Kim—whom they must respect anytime. The North Korean government is like the pigs because they, too, only think of their benefits and don’t care about their citizens. The author of this novel is clearly stating that greed for power will never promote a success but will only corrupt. Human’s avarice will always lead to any sort of consequences no matter what they are about because this is not what God wanted from us. He wants us to live in harmony but because of our uncontrollable greed, we are letting him down. If every people think a little more about other people, then no conflict will even occur and everyone will be able to live in peace.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animal Farm #3

What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel was when Napoleon purposefully expelled Snowball by force. One of the main conflicts was between Snowball and Napoleon who were always arguing about every decision that they had to go through. Before Snowball was forced out, the animals were happy and satisfied with the amount of labour and their reward. Snowball went with the majority when he was making up his mind and the rules were kept no problem. Animal farm was becoming prosperous by his wisdom. Nonetheless, Napoleon used his trained dogs to force Snowball out of his authority because he was jealous of Snowball’s power and intelligence. Using force was the only way to sit in Snowball’s position because Napoleon lacked popularity among his comrades and was not influential enough to develop their farm. He did not think about how other animals will suffer under his unstable leadership because Napoleon was doing all the things just because he was blinded by the lure of lucre. Sure enough, Napoleon ended up killing his own comrades because his greed had already taken control of not only his body but his soul. This part rather made me sympathetic because he chose not to have the privilege to be under God’s protection. He threw himself out of God’s arms and decided to go for what he merely wished to do. I took pity on him because it wasn’t that God was no longer with him, but it was that he was no longer with God. God will never abandon any of us. He was the one who decided to take off and walk away from God. How dare him. In my opinion, this is why he got what he deserved. He lost his identity, he lost his spirit, and he lost his faith. Greed can make people disappear.

Animal Farm #2

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

I found the passages in page 133 extremely astonishing because these passages struck me with disappointment with the pigs. They were about the pigs changing the seven commandments that they have made after the rebellion. I thought these were one of the most significant scenes in this book because they gave a clear message that the pigs, their greed, have totally taken control of their minds. The pigs have lost the most essential part of their soul which was their belief in the unity and love. They only became more self-centered and wanted endless amount of power as more animals followed their orders. In addition, they even took advantage of almost all the other animals’ stupidity and treated them poorly. I particularly think that the new commandment that the pigs have changed was incredibly cruel. This is because it tore apart what God has granted us─his love. He created all of us in his own image and loved us so much that he treated every single one of us equally. It was our privilege to be loved and protected by him unlimitedly. However, the pigs stated that they were the ones who had to be ‘more equal’ than others, completely disregarding God’s love on us. This was why the pigs couldn’t be happy even after they gained power over the farm─because they were fighting over themselves. It was impossible for them to resist their expanding desire to want more things every time they got more money and power. They at first informed all the animals that none of them should act like human beings but later, they were actually the ones who violated the promise. None of the people should act like the pigs because it will only destroy their hearts and take them away from God.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Animal Farm #1

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

  • Snowball: He was the pig who approached the other animals with his loyalty and strong desire to spread the principles of animalism, eventually leading a successful revolt against Mr. Jones. However, he was exiled from the farm. I liked him because he was able to gain the trust and respect from the other animals by his fair and unbiased leadership, which granted him the power to control over the animal farm. I still liked him although he only relied on his logic and rhetorical skills that he couldn't defeat his rival Napoleon's corrupted power because he was never cunning and never cheated on others. He resembled Leon Trotsky as he emerged with ideology to improve the animal farm. He symbolized the kind of people who thought they could stop humans’ greed and rapacity by pure justice. However, the world doesn’t always let them rule the world like that—the power itself is the cause of corruption.

  • Napoleon: He was the pig who was cunning and sly all the time. I hated him the most because he only cared about his power and acted egotistically, never caring the benefits of the animal farm. He was definitely symbolizing the dictators and the autocratic political groups because the way he treated the other animals was horrible whereas he took more than a great care of his own species or his favorites. He showed how all the dictatorial leaders were like in the past history—for example, Joseph Stalin. Although human beings are created in God’s image, we were not created to be perfect. Hence, in the center of our minds, there is selfishness which causes the desire to dictate, like Napoleon.

  • Boxer: I liked him because of his loyalty and unchanging dedication to labor, serving his leaders unconditionally. However, I was disappointed in him because he only obeyed and did what the pigs told him to do. He thought that his endurance of pain and inconvenience will benefit his community, the farm. He was slow in realizing the actual detriment of the farm as well. Nonetheless, he was the only force that the animals relied on to hold the animal farm together. I thought Boxer was especially different from the other characters because he actually dies at the end not for his bad acts, but for his hard work and effort. He represents the fact that people have to speak up for themselves in order to fight for their own rights because nobody will be able to help them when it’s too late to do so.